1st year
- Koulouzis, S., Belloum, A., Bubak, M., Zhao, Z., Zivkovic, M., de Laat, C. (2015) SDN-Aware Federation of Distributed Data, International journal of Future Generation Computer System.
- Zhao, Z., Martin, P., Wang, J., Taal, A., Jones, A., Taylor, I., Stankovski, V., Garcia Vega, I., Suciu, G., Ulisses, A., Cees de Laat, C. (2015), Developing and operating time critical applications in clouds: the state of the art and the SWITCH approach, In the proceedings of HOLACONF – Cloud Forward: From Distributed to Complete Computing, Pisa, Italy. Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science, Vol (68) page (17-28).
- Jeferry, K., Kousiouris, G., Kyriazis, D., Altmann, J., Ciuffoletti, A., Maglogiannis, I., Nesi, P., Suzic B., and Zhao, Z. (2015) Challenges emerging from future cloud application scenarios, In the proceedings of HOLACONF – Cloud Forward: From Distributed to Complete Computing, Pisa, Italy. Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science, Vol (68) page (227-237).
- Zhao, Z., Martin, P, Grosso, P., Los, W., de Laat, C., Jeffrey, K., Hardisty, A., Vermeulen, A., Castelli, D., Legré, Y., Kutsch, W. (2015) Reference Model Guided System Design and Implementation for Interoperable Environmental Research Infrastructures, 1st International workshop on Interoperable infrastructures for interdisciplinary big data research (IT4RIs) In the proceedings of IEEE eScience Munich Germany, p583-588.
- Martin, P., Grosso, P., Magagna, B., Schentz, H., Chen,Y., Hardisty, A., Los, W., Jeffrey, K., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z. (2015) Open Information Linking for Environmental Research Infrastructures, 1st International workshop on Interoperable infrastructures for interdisciplinary big data research (IT4RIs) In the proceedings of IEEE eScience Munich Germany, p546-553.
- Zhao, Z., Taal, A., Jones, A., Taylor, I., Stankovskic, V., Garcia, I., Jesus, F., Suciu, G., Ulisses, A., Ferreira, P., de Laat, C. (2015), A software workbench for interactive, time critical and highly self-adaptive cloud applications (SWITCH), poster, In the proceedings of IEEE CCGrid (15th IEEE/ACM Int’l Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing), May 4-7, Shenzhen, China.
- Evans, K., Jones, A., Preece, A., Quevedo, F., Rogers, D., Spasić, I., Taylor, I., Stankovski, V., Taherizadeh, S., Trnkoczy, J., Suciu, G., Suciu, V., Martin, P., Wang, J., Zhao, Z. (2015) Dynamically Reconfigurable Workflows for Time-Critical Applications, International workshop on Workflows in support of large-scale science (WORKS 15), in the context of IEEE Supercomputing 2015.
- Stankovski, V., Taherizadeh, S., Taylor, I., Jones, A., Mastroianni, C., Becker, B., Suhartanto, H. (2015) Towards an Environment Supporting Resilience, High-Availability, Reproducibility and Reliability for Cloud Applications, Cloud Challenge at Utility and Cloud Computing 2015 (UCC 2015), Proceedings of the UCC 2015, … .
- Stankovski, V. (2015) Addressing the Needs of Micro-to-Small Data Centres with ENTICE and SWITCH Cloud Technologies, International Conference on Cloud-Assisted Services (CLASS 2015), in the Proceedings of the CLASS 2015, (edited by Baškovč, D., Kutnar, A., Trobec, R., Stankovski, V.), pp. 36-37, publicly available at: http://www.cloudconference.eu/media/filer_public/2015/11/16/class_2015_proceedings.pdf
- Baškovč, D., Kutnar, A., Trobec, R., Stankovski, V. (2015) Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud-Assisted Services – CLASS 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5-6 November 2015 – Ljubljana: Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Komisija za informatiko, knjižničarstvo in založništvo, 2015, ISBN 978-961-6884-33-4, publicly available at: http://www.cloudconference.eu/media/filer_public/2015/11/16/class_2015_proceedings.pdf
- Stankovski, V., Taherizadeh, S., Bajec, M., Jones, A., Zhiming, Z., Ulisses, A., Fahringer, T., Demchenko, Y. et al. (2015) Networking session at ICT 2015, Lisbon. Cloud SWOT. Publicly accessible at: http://www.cloudswot.eu
- Suciu, G., Suciu, V., Gheorghe, R., Dobre, C., Pop, F., & Castiglione, A. (2015). Analysis of Network Management and Monitoring Using Cloud Computing. In Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (pp. 343-352). Springer Singapore.
- Suciu, G., Dobre, C., Suciu, V., Todoran, G., Vulpe, A., & Apostu, A. (2015, July). Cloud Computing for Extracting Price Knowledge from Big Data. In Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2015 Ninth International Conference on (pp. 314-317). IEEE.
- Suciu, G., Sticlan, A. M., Butca, C., Vulpe, A., Stancu, A., & Halunga, S. (2015). Cloud Search Based Applications for Big Data-Challenges and Methodologies for Acceleration. In Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing (pp. 177-185). Springer International Publishing.
2nd year
- Wang, J.,Taal, A., Martin, P., Hu Y., Zhou, H., Pang, J., deLaat, C.,*Zhao, Z. (), (2017) Planning Virtual Infrastructures for Time Critical Applications with Multiple Deadline Constraints, International journal of Future Generation Computer System.
- Wang, J., deLaat, C., and *Zhao, Z.*(2017) QoS-Aware Virtual SDN Network Planning, IFIP IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Lisbon, Portugal, May 8-12, 2017. (to appear).
- Casale, G., Chesta, C., Deussen, P., Di Nitto, E., Gouvas, P. Koussouris, S., Stankovski, V., Symeonidis, A., Vlassiou, V., Zafeiropoulos A., and Zhao Z. (2016) Current and Future Challenges of Software Engineering for Services and Applications, CloudForward 2016.
- Zhiming Zhao, Paul Martin, Cees de Laat, Keith Jeffery, Andrew Jones, Ian Taylor, Alex Hardistry, Malcolm Arkinson, Anneke Zuiderwijk, Yi Yin, Yin Chen (2016) Time critical requirements and technical considerations for advanced support environments for data-intensive research.
- Zhiming Zhao presented the a paper on DRIP provisioning and the virtual network configuration in the IEEE International Conference on CLOUD (CLOUD) 2016, San Francisco US: Zhou, H., Hu Y., Wang, J., Martin, P., Su, J., de Laat, C. and Zhao, Z., Fast Resource Co-provisioning for Time Critical Application Based on Networked Infrastructure.
- Martin P., Taal A., Quevedo F., Rogers D., Evans K., Jones A., Stankovski V., Taherizadeh S., Trnkoczy J., Suciu G., Zhao Z., (2016) Information modelling and semantic linking for a software workbench for interactive, time critical and self-adaptive cloud applications, the International Workshop on Cloud Computing Project and Initiatives (CCPI-2016), in the proceedings of The 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016), Crans-Montana, Switzerland, March 23-25, 2016.
- Huan Zhou presented the DRIP sub system and the virtual infrastructure decomposition approach in IEEE International Symposium On Real-time Computing (ISORC) 2016, York UK: Zhou, H., Hu Y., Wang, J., Martin, P., de Laat, C. and Zhao, Z., (2016) Fast and Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Quality Critical Cloud Applications.
- Martin, P., Chen, Y. Hardisty, A., Jeffery, K., and Zhao, Z., (2017), Computational Challenges in Global Environmental Research Infrastructures in the book of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges, New developments and Perspectives. ISBN 9781498751315.
- Salman Taherizadeh, Ian Taylor, Andrew Jones, Zhiming Zhao, and Vlado Stankovski, A network edge monitoring approach for real-time data streaming applications, 13th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON 2016), At Athens, Greece.
- Foss, J., Ulisses, A., Monnayer, N., (2016), From Personalisation to a semless TV/VR convergence, IBC 2016.
3rd year
- Zhiming Zhao, Yang Hu, Junchao Wang, Huan Zhou, Paul Martin, Arie Taal and Cees de Laat, Deadline-Aware Deployment for Time Critical Applications in Clouds, Euro-Par, 28 August – 1 September, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Zhao, Z., Martin, P., Jones A., Taylor. I, Stankovski, V., Sala-do. G., Suciu, G., Ulisses, A., de Laat, C., Developing, provisioning and controlling time critical applications in Cloud, EU Project tracks at ESOCC17, Oslo, Norway. Springer CCIS 2017.
- Wang, J., Zhou, H., Hu, Y., Laat, C., and Zhao, Z., DeadlineAware Coflow Scheduling in a DAG, NetComworkshop in the context IEEE CloudCom, Hongkong, December 2017.
- Koulouzis, S., Martin P., Carval, T., Grenier, B., Judeau, G., Wang, J., Zhou, H., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z(*). (2017) Seamless Infrastructure Customization and Performance Optimization for Time-critical Services in Data Infrastructures, in proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds, in the context of Supercomputing, Denver, U.S., ACM SIGHPC.
- Elzinga, O., Koulouzis, S., Hu, Y., Wang, J., Zhou, H., Martin, P., Taal, A., de Laat, C., and Zhao, Z (2017), Automatic collector for dynamic cloud performance Information, IEEE Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS), Shenzheng, China, August 7-8, 2017.
- Wang, J., de Laat, C., and Zhao, Z. (2017) QoS-Aware Virtual SDN Network Planning, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Lisbon, Portugal, May 8-12, 2017.
- Huan Zhou, Arie Taal, Spiros Koulouzis, Junchao Wang, Yang Hu, George Suciu Jr., Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao, Dynamic real-time infrastructure planning and deployment for disaster early warning systems, ICCS, 12-14 June 2017, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Zhiming Zhao, Paul Martin, Andrew Jones, Ian Taylor, Vlado Stankovski, Guadalupe Flores Salado, George Suciu, Alexandre Ulisses, Cees de Laat, Developing, provisioning and controlling time critical applications in Cloud, ESOCC, 27-29 September 2017, Oslo, Norway.
CCGrid is a successful series of conferences that serves as the major international forum for presenting and sharing recent research results and technological developments in the fields of Cluster, Cloud and Grid computing.
May 4-7, 2015 — Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
SWITCH will present on day 2 (13:30-15:30: Poster Lightning Talks (3 minutes each, 34 posters))
SWITCH project factsheet H2020
SWITCH brochure
D2.1: Technical Requirements and State of the Art Review for Time-Critical and Self-Adaptive Applications in Cloud Environments
D2.2: SWITCH Data Management Plan
D2.3: SWITCH Architecture Design
D2.4 Concept description for application-infrastructure co-programming
D2.5 Technical Description of the SIDE Subsystem
D3.1: Semantic linking model for SWITCH V1
D3.2 Design specification for the infrastructure planning service
D3.3 Semantic linking model for the SWITCH environment V2
D3.4 Technical description of the DRIP subsystem
D4.1: Prototype runtime monitoring system
D4.2 Design specification of the ASAP subsystem
D4.3 Learning strategies for self-adaptive control mechanism for time critical Cloud applications
D4.4 Technical documentation of the ASAP subsystem
D5.1: Software test, validation and release plans
D5.2 Technical and functional specifications for the elastic early warning system
D5.3 Technical and functional specifications for the Cloud virtual studio for directing and broadcasting live events
D5.4 Technical and functional specifications for the collaborative real-time business communication platform
D6.1: Plans for support actions
D6.2: Report on dissemination, communication, collaboration, exploitation and standardization V1
D6.3 Report on dissemination, communication, collaboration, exploitation and standardization V2
D5.5 Technical documentation of the elastic early warning system using SWITCH
D5.6 Technical documentation of the Cloud virtual studio for directing and broadcasting live events using SWITCH
D5.7 Technical and functional specifications of the collaborative real-time business communication platform
D5.8 Technical report for software testing, validation and release of the SWITCH environment
D6.4 Report on dissemination, communication, collaboration, exploitation and standardization V3