SWITCH aims at improving the existing development and execution model of time critical applications by introducing a novel conceptual model (application-infrastructure co-programming and control model), in which application QoS/QoE, together with the programmability and controllability of the Cloud environments, can all be included in the complete lifecycle of applications. Based on this conceptual model, SWITCH provides an interactive environment for developing applications and controlling their execution, a real-time infrastructure planner for deploying applications in Clouds, and an autonomous system adaptation platform for monitoring and adapting system behaviour.
The SWITCH consortium has well-balanced partners with complementary expertise from both academic and industrial backgrounds. By demonstrating the software using diverse use cases, the consortium specifically aims at exploitation of the business potential of the SWITCH results.
[expand title=”WP1 – Project management and communication“]
WP1 outlines The Project Handbook (PHB) describes the project organization and internal procedures of the SWITCH project with regard to day-to-day communication and progress towards the timely delivery of the deliverables and within budget. It shall be used by all partners for all deliverables to the European Commission and for deliverables between partners. The Handbook describes the following procedures in the project: documentation management, repository management, project communication mechanisms, project management, a tracking system for actions. The documentation management procedure defines the standard rules and procedures with regard to the production of documentation that all partners need to apply throughout the project. It also outlines the procedure for the publication of peer-reviewed publications. The generic document template is described. The requirements for good quality deliverables are explained. Dedicated mailing lists are in place to facilitate the communication within the consortium, also regular face to face consortium meetings and teleconferences are scheduled.
[expand title=”WP2 – SWITCH interactive development environment (SIDE)“]
[expandsub1 title=’Deliverables‘]
D2.2: SWITCH Data Management Plan
D2.3: SWITCH Architecture Design
D2.4 Concept description for application-infrastructure co-programming
D2.5 Technical Description of the SIDE Subsystem
[expandsub1 title=’Videos‘]
[expandsub1 title=’Source code‘]
Available here.
[expand title=”WP3 – Dynamic real-time infrastructure planner (DRIP)“]
[expandsub1 title=’Deliverables‘]
D3.1: Semantic linking model for SWITCH V1
D3.2 Design specification for the infrastructure planning service
D3.3 Semantic linking model for the SWITCH environment V2
D3.4 Technical description of the DRIP subsystem
[expandsub1 title=’Videos‘]
[expandsub1 title=’Source code‘]
Available here.
[expand title=”WP4 – Autonomous system adaptation platform (ASAP)“]
[expandsub1 title=’Deliverables‘]
D4.1: Prototype runtime monitoring system
D4.2 Design specification of the ASAP subsystem
D4.3 Learning strategies for self-adaptive control mechanism for time critical Cloud applications
D4.4 Technical documentation of the ASAP subsystem
[expandsub1 title=’Videos‘]
[expandsub1 title=’Source code‘]
Available here.
[expand title=”WP5 – Software methods, tools, and use cases“]
The objective of this work package is to manage the test, validation, and release of the SWITCH software, and to demonstrate the functionality of the SWITCH using three pilot use cases.
[expandsub1 title=’Deliverables‘]
D5.1: Software test, validation and release plans
D5.2 Technical and functional specifications for the elastic early warning system
D5.5 Technical documentation of the elastic early warning system using SWITCH
D5.8 Technical report for software testing, validation and release of the SWITCH environment
[expandsub1 title=’Videos‘]
[expand title=”WP6 – Dissemination and exploitation“]
The aim of this work package is to create a self-perpetuating cycle of influence making results more sustainable, maximizing their impact, optimizing investment, improving, pooling knowledge to avoid overlap of effort, and then feeding back into policy-making. Plans will be made that will specify what we intend to disseminate (the message), to whom (the audience), why (the purpose), how (the method) and when (the timing). The specific plan for collaboration, including the specific groups outside the project with which collaboration will be sought, will be detailed. The potential impact of the SWITCH on the existing market will be analyzed. It will cover the analysis of current market factors that can influence the take-up of the SWITCH. A market watch for products/services similar to SWITCH will be executed. The general objective is to ensure a promotion and exploitation of the proposed innovations, including 1) Disseminating the project innovations to a wide community 2) Collaborating with other initiatives 3) Communicating the project aims to the public audience 4) Identifying the main assets of SWITCH and the market for SWITCH products, and establishing a business model for the SWITCH take-up and sustainability after the end of the present project 5) Contribution to standardization efforts.
[expandsub1 title=’Deliverables‘]
D6.2: Report on dissemination, communication, collaboration, exploitation and standardization V1
D6.3 Report on dissemination, communication, collaboration, exploitation and standardization V2
D6.4 Report on dissemination, communication, collaboration, exploitation and standardization V3